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Q: How do you use nitro on gta vc underground 2?
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you can only use it for calls.but you can not place them.

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you can't get a army helicopter in gta vc because you can't fly in gta vc psp

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How do you download gta vc back to the future mod and gta vc car batmobile please tell me?

its a download check on you tube its got all about it on there

How is bigger GTA vc or GTA sa?

If you mean how big the world is then its probably GTA San Andreas.

Is there a GTA sanandeas stories?

No, There is no gta sanandeas stories. There is only Gta Vc Stories. After SanAndreas you can go for GTA 4.

How do you go to space in gta vc of PC?

modify it.

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Can you download gta vice city stories for PC?

How do i download gta vc? its illegal but go to there you will get gta to download