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Q: Do you need winzip to use GTA VC trainer?
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How to use trainer in gta vice city?

Download the trainer from internet.You need to install it in the game folder.Then run the trainer before the game.Use the keys specified with trainer to make modifications.

How do you find the andramada in GTAsa?

Use the car spawner or use gta san Andreas crazy trainer +151.Note:the gta san Andreas crazy trainer +151 realy works fine with me.Note2:my gta san Andreas can't use the car spawner.

How do you spawn get helicopter in GTA vice city?

As you cannot spawn helicopter using a cheat code.You need to download Ultimate trainer for gta Vice city.Then use it to spawn the helicopters and other vehicles.

What is helicopter cheat in psp gta vice city?

There is no cheat for a helicopter so you need to find helicopter in the city and then ride them.The other way is to use a trainer to spawn the helicopters.The Ultimate Trainer will do the work.

Is there a cheat code for slowing timein gta vice city?

No there no such cheat.You can use the trainer to do so.

How do you using winzip file?

You have to use winzip. There is no other program that can open this file

What is the money cheat for gta vice city in PC?

There isn't any money cheat for gta vc.You can increase money using a trainer for gta vc.Download a trainer named Pizza Dox 7+ or something like that to increase the amount of money you have,infinite health,ammo,and many more features.

How to complete helicopter mission of gta city 2005 PC it is far more tricky?

You need to practice flying helicopter.Then use trainer to stop time.And then you can complete mission easily.

How we can icrease our money in gta vice city?

You can increase money in the game using trainer.Download the trainer from the internet and use it.

How do you operate a jetpack in gta vice city ultimate trainer?

jet pack is use only for dirt bike

Can you legally use winzip free download to unzip one file?

Yes. WinZip provides a free trial for the express purpose of trying it. To try it, obviously, you would need to unzip at least one file.

How do you use game trainer of gta vice city?

You can download the trainer for the game and then run it before the game.There are some hot keys specified in the trainer.You can use the hot keys to see the desired changes in the game during playing.