This is a home video game. If the parents allow it, the children can play. Grand Theft Auto does have violence and crime. It is generally rated AV15+ or MA15+. To my understanding eight year olds are too young to play the game. Thanks
Yes i think that the game is ok for mature 13 year olds. The game has violence and bad language but so do R-Rated movies like the Hangover, Law Abiding Citizens and Role Models. If you play online with other people then it isn't as bad. Online you play around the city and shoot your friends just like Modern Warfare 2 and any other Call of Duty Game. Also you can drive vehicles around. You this the stuff in this game in life. Like on TV, internet, and in the public. Also most 13 Year Olds play Airsoft and Paintball and shoot guns at each other, so its just like playing together online in the game. So i think that the if your a mature 13 year old should be able to play Grand Theft Auto 4 online with their friends.
Depends on what the 10 year is old is allowed to watch. My little sister is 10 and she is not allowed. There is no bad swearing or anything but there are gays and lesbians and sexual references
It will be perfectly fine. I'm 11 and I feel fine with reading it (although I haven't yet my mom allowed it.)
The voting age used to be 21. but the government changed it to 18 during the Vietnam war because many 18 - 20 year olds were sent into the war to fight, and it was only fair that they got a say in the next leader of their country since they were serving their country (the USA)
Old Palace School's motto is 'Pro Ecclesia Dei'.
If your parents say so.
As long as your parents think its ok, although i think 10 year olds should be allowed to go on grand theft auto four.
Absolutely Not. It's a mature Rating game.
Grand Theft Auto Video Games
since it has violence and other inappropriate content, no.
Yes. Very much so.
By the rating (Mature), no ten year olds could buy or play GTA IV.
yeah its all right but i play on all others as well and im 9
It depends who's playing it really , the age rating in most countries is 18+ but if you are mature and know that nothing in gta should ever be reenacted in real life under any circumstances. If you are very young I would recommend asking the permission of your parents.
Yes if you are good enough