If your parents say so.
Grand Theft Auto Video Games
By the rating (Mature), no ten year olds could buy or play GTA IV.
since it has violence and other inappropriate content, no.
As long as your parents think its ok, although i think 10 year olds should be allowed to go on grand theft auto four.
Absolutely Not. It's a mature Rating game.
No, and not appropriate for 12 year olds.
No it's ok for a 11 year olds.
No, it is neither appropriate nor legal for 9-year-olds to engage in sexual activity.
Yes it is
Apart from the kissing and lies that are present in the show, it is, for the most part, appropriate for eight year-olds and most parents wouldn't have a problem with it. I would say it is appropriate for most mature 8 year olds. One of the newer episodes is a swearing one but they never say the word.