all you need to do is get in a car and get maxiumum speed and pull up
The car fly cheat is comeflywithme . you can fly with this cheat for a short distance only.
There is no cheat to fly long.Only is comeflywithme or else use a plane.
You can fly in air plain or in car when you got special cheat
You can't fly in gta san Andreas on xbox. You can make cars fly in gta san Andreas with a cheat
On GTA, the cheat code to fly a helicopter is "wingwheeled." This particular cheat is available for all versions of the game.
the trainer is the thing that you cheat with. You press two button to active the cheat example : alt+g and you can fly and you can not die and you can spawn cars and change gravity and etc
there isn't one...
write fly cheat code by Gopal
on playstation or PC?
There is no cheat code to fly in gta vice city.You can use the plane available at the film studio to fly.You can also use the helicopters in the game.
plaNE helicopter flying car cheat