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Q: Where is Jet pack for city of villains?
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How can you get a jet pack in gta vice city?

You cannot get a jet pack in the game.The game have not provided a jet pack to be used.

Can you find a jet pack in GTA vice city for psp?

No there is not jet pack in vice city.You cannot get a jet pack.

How do you jet pack on and of the gta vice city?

There is no way you can jet pack.The game do not provide you a jet pack.

Where is jetpack in vice city?

There is no jet pack vice city its just a rumor.You can have jet pack in GTA sanAndreas.

Where is the jet pack in gta vice city stories?

There is no jet pack in the game .You cannot get jet pack any way,The game do not provide it.

What is the jet pack cheat at the gta vice city?

Vice City doesn't have the jet pack. Only san andeas.

How do you get jet pack in GTA vice city for xbox?

There is no way you can get a jet pack in the game.The game makers didn't provide you the jet pack to fly with.

Jet pack cheat for grand theft auto librety city stories?

there's no jet pack cheat for liberty city stories

How can you get jet pack in Grand Theft Auto vice city stories in psp?

There is no way that you can get jet pack in gta vice city.the game do not give jet pack.

What is the cheat for a jet pack on grand theft auto vice city stories for psp?

There is no cheat for a jet pack in the game.You cannot even use a jet pack as the developer haven't provided an jet pack in the game.

How do you get a jet pack in vice city PC?

There is no way you can get a jet pack in vice city.You can try installing mods for that.

Is there a cheat for jet pack on vice city stories for ps2?

There is no cheat for a jet pack in fact the jet pack is not available in the game.You can get a fake jet pack in the game by installing a mod.You can also make Tommy fly using position changing jet pack in the Ultimate Trainer.