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It's where he starts out in Ganton - his first safehouse.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

the default safehouse

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Q: Where is CJ's mother's house in GTA?
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Is cjs house still in Grand Theft Auto 5?

Yes CJ's house is in GTA V

Is cjs moms ghost real on gta sa?

No, it's a cleo mod

How did cjs mum die on gta San Andreas?

She was killed by an un named gang.

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on GTA you put xxxr1l1l2 then you can get it cjs birthday and dont mess with me

Is gta san Andreas for xbox 2 player?

Yes, I play on 2 player on my 360. The marker is just outside of grove street. Go down the road towards Big Smokes from CJs house and turn right underneath a bridge. Therell be an abandoned house. Its in there.

Where you can see in gta sa cj mom ghost?

get in Johnson house in 23:00 until 03:00 and stand in hol in the kitchen you will see a woman to come.ahhhhrrrrrr.but when you entrable in house you will see it in kitchen to stand.but she will hunt you in all house or she will find you to see you.aaaaahhhhrrrr. you mustnt enter in this hunted house.the Johnson house has a ghost :the moms of cjs carefull

Who killed CJs mum?

The Ballas did a drive-by on the Johnson House, which killed C.J.'s mom. Ryder tried to stop them, but failed. A video was released about 2 months after the game's release, which explained EVERYTHING.

What is the reward for spraying all 100 gang tags in GTA san Andreas?

tec 9, AK47, sawn-off shotgun and molotov cocktail @ CJs first house and all 'homies' have SMGs and desert eagles

How old is cj in gta san Andreas?

CJs in his early 20s like 20 to 25 years old.

Where is cjs girl friends house in grand theft auto san Andreas?

you go thru the ally between cj's house and riders the you turn right and her house is the first house on the street.

How do you get in cjs house on poptropica?

you ask her mom and dad at the science fair they say yes you go to avenue a.You go inside