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The mass movement to gain equal opportunities for African Americans is what the Civil Rights Movement was. The popular movement was aimed at granting basic rights and privileges of United States citizenship to African Americans.

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Q: What is the cilvil rights movement?
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What resulted in the civil rights movement that ensured constitutional rights to all citizens regardless of race?

Cilvil rights act of 1964

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the cilvil rights movemet

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i would say cilvil rights

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Who was the president during the cilvil right movement?

John Kennedy and to some extent, Lyndon Johnson.

How did Malcolm X seem similar from Martin Luther King Jr?

cilvil rights fighter yeah.

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Susan B. Anthony did not invent anything. She was a prominent figure in the women's suffrage movement in the United States and played a crucial role in fighting for women's right to vote.

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rosa parks childhood was bad because she fought for the cilvil rights

Which African American is most celebrated for his work in the cilvil rights movement?

I would think is the Martin Luther King Jr.For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (Wikipedia) indicated directly below this answer section.

Did the cilvil war start on the issue slavery?

The main issues were: for the North to preserve the Union, for the South the States' Rights and Southern Independence.

What type of movement is gay rights?

It is a civil rights movement.

The movement for equal rights for people with disabilities was most similar to which other movement?

The children's rights movement.