No cheat for infinite gold, sorry.
there is none, but their is a health cheat and an armor cheat.
There is no cheat for infinite health.You need to use trainer for that.
There's and infinite money cheat and an infinite stamina cheat.
i know a cheat type in bloomerwatch and boom your life will become infinite and you will have infinite omnipoints
There is no such thing, and even when you put in infinite health cheat if you were in an explosion you could get killed. :/
There is not an infinite ammo cheat
by cheat engine!
u have to do a cheat
There is no infinite life cheat. You could Mod gta gay tony.
You can only activate a Infinite Health or an Infinite MP cheat if you hack with a GameShark. There is a separate cheat for Infinite Health (Gummi).