obviously plane is faster dan helicoptor cz of its bird shaped structure makes it faster
wat i think
A fast aeroplane will be faster than any helicopter, but a fast helicopter can be faster than a slow aeroplane.
No. A helicopter is not faster than an airplane. A helicopter could fly at about 400-650 kph. But a plane could fly much faster than that.
it's a helicopter
An autogyro - is/was a helicopter-like plane.
A helicopter cannot reach a plane's altitude because it does not have much lift. No, the air is to thin high up for a helicopter to sustain flight.
Jets are much faster .
Most planes can travel much farther than most helicopters. A plane is streamlined, a helicopter tends to be boxy. The streamlined plane travels much further on a gallon of gas than the boxy helicopter.
he you go in a plane
fly there
no you can not fly a helicopter or plane on GTA China town wars for the ds