it is not a PS2 game
It's not for PS2
bestaat niet
you can't only on the PC version and put the mod
In The normal game its impossible to fly it. there are onyl 2 missions with it. but you can find the AT at the airport :) And... there are some mods in GTA:SA:MA and some regular mods that you install on the game
just lifted up/down the R3 and you will open it
I Want to Know the cheat andromada the write
Yes,I have a friend in Indonesia (but im not from there, he is only my friend) he told me that there's a hacked gta san Andreas called "Grand Theft Auto Armageddon), it's hacked, so if you press R2+L1 and tap R2 a several times, u can found that theres a word "avoies" (i dunno how to spell) u press circle and there's plane spawnes from sky, if it's not andromada you have to do it again and again until there's the andromada, thanks.
Yes there are trillions of them. We just haven't found them yet because the Andromeda galaxy is so far away.
Andromada is too far away to have an effect on Earth, if it did explode. The Andromeda galaxy may be destroyed a bit. If it does erupt there's nothing to worry about.
the cheat-code is:R1R1R2R2L1L1up,down,right,left,circle,triangel,x,x,x,x,R1and triangel (2x)
No. But she hasn't landed any highly visible roles since Andromeda. In 2012 she played a role in The Story of Luke a TV movie due out this year.