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basically a place where you can pay to go on the internet, maybe per hour etc, usually for tourists or people without internet access.
A small social gathering place (shop) which sells food and drink.

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Q: What is an Internet cafe?
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What is the other name of internet cafe?

The popular term for a cyber cafe is Internet Cafe or Computer Cafe. It is a place which provides internet access to the public, usually for a fee. The businesses usually serve beverages and snacks.

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Where is the internet cafe on Counterfeit Island?

The Internet Cafe is in the Moldy Baguette Inn building on Main Street. The other cafe is Downtown , the All That Jazz cafe.

Where can one purchase an internet cafe software?

There are various websites from which Internet Cafe Software can be purchased. Examples include Antamedia, True Cafe, Cyber Cafe Pro and Smart Launch.

Can a school drop out be an internet cafe operator?

No reason why not ! To run an internet cafe takes absolutely no technical skill at all.

Where is there a internet cafe near chambers flat 4133?

There is an internet cafe near the chambers flat 4133 just in the basement.

What is music cafe?

just like an internet cafe, but instead of internet there is music from local bands playing live (i guess)

Example of Business proposal for internet cafe?

An example of a business proposal for an internet cafe might include having an hourly rate for internet usage. The proposal would need to layout exactly what the plans for the internet cafe would be, how it would run, the rates, expenditures, and revenue projections.

How much does it cost at an internet cafe?

Internet cafe's are located in the downtown of most cities. you may do a web search to find the exact locations. For example, there is an internet cafe located downtown Kitchener near the bus terminal.

Can you get internet in caibiran biliran?

yes...ther is internet cafe

Is an internet cafe profitable?

An Internet cafe can be profitable if you have a good business plan. It is important to have reliable Internet service for your customers in addition to offering food and beverages at a reasonable price.