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ZOMBIE NATZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are very cute, dead, cannibals who eat off peoples shorts... they multiply very fast and can have a baby per second.

well they are dead natzi sodiers who were turned into Zombies by a chemical which made them, the wonderwaffle, and the hell hounds

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13y ago

it is the bonus mission on Call of Duty world at war Which has 4 maps to play on also Nazi Zombies are Nazis that have come back from the dead. it is also in cod black ops

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Q: What is a Nazi zombie?
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What does nazi zombie mean?

They are undead Nazi's

What does the Nazi Zombie map Zombie Verruckt mean?


Is there a Nazi zombie movie?

Only Nazi Zombie movie I can think of off of the top of my head is Shockwaves. There is a whole Nazi Zombie genre though. There's also Dead Snow, check out the related link.

How do you unlock nazi zombie in cod5 for Wii?

There is no Zombie Mode for Wii

What is the next Nazi Zombie map?

The Nazi Zombies is over, in black ops 2 they said they were creating a new zombie story line. There will be no more Nazi Zombies.

Is there a 3 headed Nazi Zombie?

No, there is not.

Is there cheats for nazi zombie on ipod?

No, there is not.

Were to go to get Nazi zombie's for the d's.?

Nazi Zombies is not on the DS retaird.

Who is the head zombie in nazi zombies?

There is no "head" zombie there are bosses in different maps

How can you get nazi zombie on Wii?

you cant yet

Name of the nazi zombie tune?

what map?

How do you play as a zombie in nazi zombies?

You don't becoming a Zombie is not part of the designed game