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there are not many games anything near gta 4.. it has graphics so advanced, that there ain't many games that add up to be as good as gta 4. i sorda dis a gree with you there i fort sanandreas was pretey simlar

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The Saints Row series is similar.

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The warriors is a bit like GTA.

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Q: What are games like Grand Theft Auto?
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What games for the playstation2 are like Grand Theft Auto?

There is a GTA for ps2

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Both are developed by Rockstar Games.

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Grand Theft Auto Video Games

How many grand theft auto games are there for play station?

i think like 7

What other games your like grand theft auto?

Saints Row and Crimelife series.

Is Grand Theft Auto San Andreas avalible for the psp?

No there is no gta san andreas for psp, but you have : Gta liberty city stories, Gta vice city stories and chinatown wars. For my opinion gta vice city stories fits best to San andreas and the main character is black like Cj on san andreas.

What games are like infamous 2?

all the gta (grand theft auto)games out there thats all i know

Which is better vice city or Grand Theft Auto 3?

I like grand theft auto vice city better than grand theft auto 3