GTA games are adult rated (18 years plus) and not considered suitable for younger gamers because of the violence, bad language and often some sexual content. But, in the end, it is up to parents to make the decision. Speaking personally, I have a 10 year old in my family and I would not permit it.
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This is a question that a lot of parents and children alike ask, and my opinion is complex and multisided, so allow me to begin with a bland statement before I get into the games, their differences in suitability and content, and whether or not I believe children will change negatively if they play Grand Theft Auto. My initial statement is this: on paper, the answer to whether or not a 10-year-old can play Grand Theft Auto is "no". Some of the games feature above-average violence even for PEGI 18 and M for Mature 17+ rated games, heavy profanity, disturbing scenes, and drug and alcohol usage. However, there is a lot of depth to the question.
I'd like to say that there are several GTA games and they vary in content suitability for 10-year-olds.
Let's begin with the first, top-down style GTA games released on the PlayStation. The top-down, aerial view GTA games are far, far tamer compared to the 3D GTA games, which I'll get to. Overall, I'd say that the first topdown GTA games are acceptable games for a young preteen to play.
Then there are the 3D games which include: GTA III, GTA: Vice City, GTA: San Andreas, GTA IV and GTA V. These are not all equally heavy for a 10-year-old, so let's begin with GTA III: GTA III was the first 3D entry in the franchise and garnered a lot of controversy due to its clearer and more graphic detail and depiction of killing people... two decades ago. This game can still be considered moderately violent, but it pails in comparison to the newer titles, so overall I'd say that GTA III is also relatively okay for a 10-year-old to play, but with parental guidance.
Then there's GTA: Vice City, which is the debatably heavier game in terms of adult content. It is less gritty and has a brighter, more vibrant atmosphere in comparison to the bleak, dark city of GTA III, but Vice City's Miami features lots of violence, drug references and some sexual content. GTA III and Vice City are the tamest of the 3D GTA games, and personally I'd say that I wouldn't rebel against a 10-year-old playing them due to their aged visuals and gunplay. However, parents and guardians should be well aware of the violent content in the games.
Then there's GTA: San Andreas, GTA IV and GTA V which I would not recommend for a 10-year-old player. GTA: San Andreas features plenty of profane language, the most violence thus far, dark and disturbing scenes and higher levels of drug usage. Therefore, I'd recommend that parents and or guardians wait another few years before the 10-year-old in question plays San Andreas, to which I'd say 13-years-old and up at minimum.
GTA IV is arguably the darkest GTA game, with a gritty and dark tone and ramped up levels of violence from the transition to the PS3 and Xbox 360. It features a lot of the adult content of the predecessors but increased. In addition, the physics of the game are debatbly the best in the franchise, so that makes the chaotic gunfights and destruction players can partake in more realistic. Therefore, I'd say that it's for 14-year-olds and up at minimum.
Finally, there's GTA V, which is widely considered the best game in the franchise, but also the bloodiest. In addition, it has a multitude of very dark scenes, including a torture scene that you have to control to progress. As usual, players can cause complete and utter chaos, with the most realistic graphics and sound effects of the franchise. Therefore, I'd say that it's for 14-year-olds and up at minimum.
To answer the question of whether or not a 10-year-old would change negatively after playing GTA, I'd have to say that generally, no. It won't make them start a shooting, rob cars or beat up random people. However, this is my most important point: parents and guardians, please, if you are going to let you child or children play GTA, any of them, talk to them beforehand about the content and that you're putting a lot of trust in them to not reenact the crimes in the game as well as never use some of the language in V especially.
In conclusion, this question is multilayered and endlessly up for debate, but the top-down, original GTA games, III and Vice City can be considered acceptable games for a 10-year-old to play by some people. However, San Andreas, IV and V are not recommended for someone of that age yet. Parental guidance is key to this all, and exercising what you consider "suitable content" for children by playing the games yourself and making up your own answer is very much recommended, but I hope I could help with my stance on the matter.
As long as your parents think its ok, although i think 10 year olds should be allowed to go on grand theft auto four.
you ask them
Indeed, you can get a PC game on Grand Theft Auto at your nearest Gamestop. Just ask if they have Grand Theft Auto for PC, and they should say yes.
History as in Games? Grand Theft Auto: 1997 London 1969: 1999 London 1961: 1999 Grand Theft Auto 2: 1999 Grand Theft Auto III: 2001 Grand Theft Auto Vice City: 2002 Grand Theft Auto Advanced: 2004 Grand Theft Auto San Andreas: 2004 Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories: 2005 Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories: 2006 Grand Theft Auto IV: 2008 Grand Theft Auto China Town Wars: 2009 Grand Theft Auto Episodes From Liberty City: 2009 Grand Theft Auto Lost And the Damned: 2009 Grand Theft Auto Ballad Of Gay Tony: 2009 Grand Theft Auto V: 2011? 2012?
there is no grand theft auto 6 and the new one is grand theft auto 5 :P
Grand Theft Auto, Grand Theft Auto Downloads -
Although there are about 12 games in the Grand Theft Auto series, the 12th being Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, there is no Grand Theft Auto with that exact name.
of course gta vice city stories
Grand theft auto grand theft auto 2 grand theft auto London grand theft auto 3 grand theft auto vice city/stories grand theft auto San Andreas grand theft auto San Andreas Dubai grand theft auto Liberty city stories grand theft auto 4 grand theft auto china town wars grand theft auto 5
Grand theft auto is simply a type of felony theft.
grand theft auto
Grand theft auto 3.