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Basic cheats Weapon pack 1 - R UP B DOWN LEFT R B RIGHT Weapon pack 2 - R UP A DOWN LEFT R A RIGHT Weapon pack 3 - R UP Y DOWN LEFT R Y RIGHT Weapon pack 4 - R UP X DOWN LEFT R X RIGHT Armour - L L R B B A A R Health - L L R A A B B R Wanted level up - L L R Y Y X X R Wanted level down - R X X Y Y R L L Explosive eagle - L R X Y A B UP DOWN Weather cheats Sunny - UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT A B L R Extra sunny - UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT B X L R Cloud - UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT X Y L R Rain - UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT Y A L R Lots of rain - UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT A X R L Harricane - UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT B Y R L Fog - UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT Y B R L

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15y ago
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13y ago

Yes there are 347 here some are listed below

cheat mode. go to the hospital the green arcade then go on code.

enter these codes below.

weapons 1


weapons 2


weapons 3


gun choper[secret]


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