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Q: Is there any bike in gta3?
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How do you get your phone out on gta3?

there is no phone in gta3 you can use. you must be thinking of gta4. press up 2 times on the d-pad.

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Where is the flame thrower in GTA3?

By cheating

How do you deactivate a cheatcode in GTA3?

you can't.

Where do you get that plane in GTA3?

you can find plains in the airport

How do you turn into supermanIn GTA3?

it is a mod for pc.

Is there a big foot in gta3?

no, but you can mod it so it does.

Where can you get gta3 free 4 ps1?

there is no such thing as gta3 for playstation 1 the graphics are way too high for PS1. Consider getting a PS2 Or Xbox. =D

Why on gta3 are you in prison?

no, but you start by escaping going to prison.

Does GTA3 exist for the psp?

yes, i think so

Fly car in gta3 comp?

you type in chittychittybangbang