No, the only way would be to some how get the boat into a paint 'n spray.
No,There is no cheat for a boat the game.You can get the boats at the Cortez or you need to buy the boat yard.You can see some of the boats parked near the shore so you an take them.You can even capture boats by killing the owner.
No cheat for it in GTA.
chip gta ps2 spider city#
What is the flood cheat for ps2 gta san andreas
There is no infinite ammo cheat for gta VC PS2.You can get one in PC by using a pizza dox trainer.
There is no cheat for that sorry.
no cheat go in and dance :)
cheat code for gta dragon ball gt
There is no cheat for plane in GTA Vice City.You can get plane in gta SanAndreas by jumpjet cheat.You can't also have Plane in PS2.
Yes, the cheat for the parachute on GTA SA ps2 is Left,right,L1,L2,R1,R2,R2,up,down,right,L1. If this cheat does not work then tell me. (P.S. This cheat will only work for GTA SA ps2.)