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It depends on the common knowledge of your child. I am only 12 but I know the real world. No one is innocent and criminals sometimes get away with horrible, brutal crimes such as rape, murder, grand theft, etc. However, the likelihood of it happenings is 1/1000000! If you know that then you will be discouraged unless either jail or being dead is your desire. Aside from why not, why would you do it? In what way has humanity harmed a child mentally that they even deeply WANTED to massacre us? Sex is natural. One of God's (That is, if you believe in him, I don't) greatest gifts! It allows us to repopulate. Some ancient nutjob thought of a laundry list of things that was wrong. Penis, female nipples, vaginas, butts, etc. Why? Why should I have to hide my body? What's 'great' is that they picked the sexual parts. Makes sense right? No. If sex is fun in any way then why should they be restricted? I think it's as worthy a passtime as videogames, tennis, etc. God forbid female nipples but a male nipple is perfectly normal. Young girls can't wear "fashionable" clothes because they're inappropriate! I don't believe keeping up with what other people think is cool is right but it's their choice. They say the U.S. is free, but how free is it when you ban %50 of human nature? Now drugs. Drugs are bad and should never be done. Outlaw of drugs results in high taxes, cartels, violence, and more. As long as your child knows to not even try crack, cocaine, or anything other than marijuana (healthier than cigarettes but still pretty bad) then they should be able to handle the virtual concept of drug-dealing. Everything is optional in this game. Frankly I just like mowing people down in a car! This is fine because it is FAKE. I know the difference from virtual and the real world. Question your kid a bit about what he knows. If it is an awkward subject (one he's been brainwashed to not like talking about) then don't pressure him. Assume he knows about it. Why else would he think it is awkward? Please consider this and everyone feel free to post this elsewhere.

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12y ago

The ESRB logo on the game identifies it as "M" for "Mature", meaning that it is intended for older teens aged at least 14 and up. The back cover of the game identifies the game as containing "Blood", "Intense Violence", "Strong Sexual Content", "Use of Drugs and Alcohol", "Partial Nudity", and "Strong Language". However this assessment is not accurate.

A parent should, in general, make a judgment call on the maturity of their child before making a purchasing decision, but odds are fairly good that the above game is not quite suitable for a 9 year old.

I work at GameStop have for 2 years now and I play this game often it's not as bad as what the news or someone that hasn't played the game tells you. The letter on the front of the box such as A for adult M for Mature T for Teen E for Everyone C for Child is just a guideline not a law it's your decision to let them play it or not. If it were my kids i would let them, but that's just my opinion.It depends on how mature he/she is. you can always take it away until another age or return the game. Grand Theft Auto 4 is not as friendly as "Tak and The Power of Jhu Jhu" which is what my youngest is playing. In my experience, Grand Theft Auto IV (GTA 4) is appropriate to let him/her to start playing at the age of 13 but i recommend the fourth, Liberty City. In that of the series, it is the least... non inappropriate for a child. Also the, Sons of Anarchy, series, (which is a motorcycle gang "episode"). If your son/daughter is into cheat codes, it has a lot of them.

If you're like me, you'll want to watch your child play the game to see how he/she handles him or herself in the somewhat inappropriate situations, well, now they have multiplayer split screen. It your child is 13 or older, you could both have a lot of fun doing multiplayer missions. My favorite thing about GTA4 is that it's a free roam. If you're not familiar with "free roam", it's a feature that allows you to do basically whatever you want. You can steal cars, boats, planes, helicopters, and motorcycles. You can become a cop, rob banks, go parachuting and anything else you want.

I'm not saying that it's the best game, but it's not as bad as most people think.

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12y ago

Yes, introdueces you to a new concept of life.

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12y ago

Depends on your parents. In GTA4 you can see Niko and hooker having s*x though. Good luck!

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