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Hasn't been Announced By Rockstar Games yet. but!.. It's going to be 59.99$ For PS3, Xbox 360, and by popular demand PC. (You can get it for cheaper than that at online retailers.)

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

It is not a PS3 game title and you must buy GTA 4 for the PS3 The complete edition is 23.99 at amazon. GTA V is also taking preorders without a release date

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How much is Grand Theft Auto?

It's about 60$.

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They don't pay much. You will get more on Ebay.

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you will need 5,000 dollars

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get grand theft auto 3 for 8 dollars, or gta vice city for 9 dollars

How long has the Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto been out?

The first GTA game by Rockstar: Grand Theft Auto, was released in 1997.

How much is Grand Theft Auto in the US?

It can range from $20-$45

Which is the latest Grand Theft Auto game?

grand theft auto 4 is the latest game in the series, however, many people including myself think that grand theft auto san Andreas was the best game in the series. there is more things to do like gang terratory, parachuting, and much much more.