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A unit of water is 100 cubic feet or 748 gallons.Water meters typicaly read in cubic feet. One cubic foot of water is equel to 7.48 gallons.

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Water is something we cannot live without .....So How much would you pay if you had None?

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How much mass is there in a unit volume of water?

1 cc water weighs 1 gm, any other unit volume will be a multiple or fraction of that.

What Si unit do you use to tell you how much water a tablespoon holds?

A millilitre.

How much water a pan holds in metric unit?

depends on the dimensions of the pan

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The liter.

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A newton.

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gram is the unit of water equivalent

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It depends on which unit of measurement you are using.

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Unit of dm water conductivity is microsiemens/cm

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That would depend on friction losses and fixture unit demands

I want to add an additional hot water heater to my homes system the old hot water heater is much to small should the new larger one be added before or after the existing one?

If units are being installed in a series installation the you would always cold water going into the largest unit first. Water from the smaller unit would be used whenever you cust on the hot water and then warm water from the larger unit would transfer over into the smaller unit... This gives you a lot less recovery time.

How many quarts are in a pound?

A quart is a unit of volume, and a pound is a unit of weight, so there is no direct conversion of the two. If we know what substance we are talking about (such as water, for example) we could then ask how much a quart of water weighs (about two pounds, but I am estimating).