hospitals do not take anything of exept about 3% or so of your money, which is a lot when you start wracking 10 grand a mission. they restore your health and revive you if you are fallen.
you can't that's why you should read all those warnings.
ya can't, but you can turn the volume off! :D
you can't as a flash game but if you download it off R* social club it is the full game free! if your talking about benbuja's gta2 on gta4, it is just the camera of gta4 fully up.
When you activate a cheat then it normally lasts till you switch the game off.
you cannot go out with her. you can only go out with sobohoe and lawchick.
Bernie will call you and then a flashing B icon will appear and you follow it the infernus will be there waiting for you
It helps them to get air under the wings its a much better take off
Depends on the plane
take it off as much as you can then wash it a couple times
It all helps. If a 747 takes off into a 40mph head wind its take off speed will be reduced from 180mph to 140 mph. Pilots much prefer the headwind as it allows them to take off much sooner
take it off as much as you can then wash it a couple times