There is no way you can turon signal/blinker in gta 4 as the other cars have. Only the getaway car had signals other cars dont have signals. You can turn the headlights on or off during the day and choose b/w high and dim in the night.
Actually you cannot use blinkers/turn signals in Grand Theft Auto 4, neither for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd one. My family actually wishes that they could advance this game with blinkers/turn signals. I hoped this helped.
u can use htem in multiplayer
There is no cheat, however if you own a pc version of GTA IV, then you could use a mod, try for this and many more GTA mods.
Yes you can.
No... It is GTA 4!
use's interactive map
You cannot get use airplanes, you can only use helicopters.
No. You cannot use just your lights, unless it is an audio glitch. But you can beat your car up so bad that sometimes the noise of the siren wont work, but who wants a beaten up car?
but other cars uses the indicators how? but why we cant use the indicators
You have to press "up" on the D-Pad.