First Answerhi... i thing its just to press right mousbutton on a green gangmember and press G ore H, but i dideng get it to work
Second AnswerHello, and welcome to WikiAnswers. To recruit gang members in GTA: San Andreas (PC) you only must do this:
- First, switch to any weapon, such as AK-47, rocket launcher, minigun, or anything you have, except any hand-tool like Golf stick.
- Second, press RMB (Right Mouse Button) and aim to any gang member, and press G in your keyboard.
- Finally, you have a member. To control him, aim to your member, and press G to tell him that he must to follow you (except get in to the safehouse), or press H to tell him that he must to stand on his position (this is useful for doing attacking or for get ready for the gang war).
Sorry for my bad English!
Third Answer (To recruit anyone with 9mm (for PC))This is more simple than other answers. Just follow these instructions given below.
- Press cheat sjmahpe in small or capital.
- Then press cheat worshipme to have max respect & you will be able to have a gang of 7 members.
- Now the final part, Aim on anyone by pressing right click. (You can also choose Cops) Then press G. Immediately he will be having 9mm & he will nod at you.
Its really easy. But it have a problem, If you make someone in your gang inside some places like 'Burger Shot', 'Gym' or 'Binco' he will not be able to come out of the Shop. Otherwise its great.
1.cheat Sjmahpe and bmtpwhr
2.cheat Worshipme to full or max Respect And viola you have a AK-47 Gangmembers
fifth answer
cheat rocketmayhem and press right button and press g and your gang member have rocket launcher and cheat buffmeup and jcnruad buffmeup is for max muscle and jcnruad is for when you hit car it will go kaboom