People will game share with you. Some people will also trade there PS3.
No, but you knew that or you would not ask.
I am sure you can find someone who will game share GTA 5 with you. You will just have to keep looking and asking.
I can not answer this question. In order for this question to be answered you will have to make it understandable.
Will someone games share with me im broke.
No, GTA 5 was only released for XBox 360, XBox One, PS3, PS4 and PC.
You cannot download GTA V for free on the ps3.
gameshare is when you go on somebodys account on ps3 so somthing that they have brought andd go on the icon at the top where it sas view downloads click which 1 you want then your done from kiran sheemar
It should come on the 17.09.2013 on the XBOX360 and PS3
you can link the servers of the ps3 to xbox 1 and transfer data.
You can't game share on PS3. The only way that you can have the games that your friend purchased in the psstore is by signing into their account on your console and downloading the game. WARNING you can only sing into 5 ps3 consoles per account. After your account was sign into 5 consoles and your ps3 breaks, and you get a new one you will not be able to have that same account and you will lose all the games you purchased.
I have it for ps3 and xbox360