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It depends what game you are playing. Some games have the option of the guest as long as one person has a live gamertag: For example: Halo. While other games you would need two different live gamertags. Also, some games may not even allow two players but has online multiplayer: For example: Turok.

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15y ago
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13y ago

For most game you can but some games like Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty World at War, and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 1 you cant but as I said for most games you can.
Yes but one person has to play as an Xbox live guest.

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15y ago

Only on certain games like Halo, the other person signs on as a guest.

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15y ago

It depends on the game, Halo 3 Yes, Call of Duty no

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Only in a few games like Left 4 Dead.

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9y ago

yes you can

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