There are not any, there is only L and R If you want to play a ps1 game or any game that needs l2 or r2, you will have to modify your analog stick on the psp to act as those buttons.
No. The iPad does not possess the graphical capability to play a game that 3D-intensive. Besides, it would look crappy on a 1024x768 screen, and you wouldn't be able to play it without any buttons. Even if the buttons were onscreen, it would take up half the screen to make all of them big enough to press. And I won't even get into moving the in-game camera without a mouse or analog stick.
you can't really play any games that are Java without Java unless you download it.
Yes but you have to have a controller
yes you can play any type of kids game on the netbook. without any issues
You can play any online game without Xbox live.
You can't. And, technically speaking, it's illegal to download it anyways. The only way to play it legally is to buy the game for the Gameboy. Then, if you have the game, it IS legal to download the game. But you CANNOT play it without download.
You simply can't find it any where.
Have you tried Second Life?
You have to have the Sims 3 base game to play any expansion pack.
Yes you can. At least for Cabelas Big game or something. Ususallu for any game you can.