


Business & Finance

Ever since money was invented, we've been involved in business and financial transactions. Questions here are about all commercial, financial and industrial activity related to the economy, investing, and stock markets. This includes questions and information about production and manufacturing, exchange and distribution of goods or commodities, and management of money and other assets.

500 Questions

Why human rights are violated?

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Asked by Wiki User

Basically, human rights are legally mandated, so they have no power beyond their enforcement by established political authorities. Since many groups can achieve better outcomes to their goals (e.g.) war; wealth; power) by ignoring human rights as constructed by these authorities, they violate them where enforcement is weak and punishment is improbable.

Why do you use stamps?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is a form of payment so the mailman can take your mail. When you buy a stamp, it is basically the way you pay to send an envelope instead of leaving the money attached to the mailbox and letting the mailman calculate if you payed the right amount.

Is Barney frank corrupt?

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Asked by Wiki User

Barney Frank, a former U.S. Representative, faced criticism related to handling the financial crisis and his involvement with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. While some may perceive his actions as questionable, whether he is officially deemed corrupt is subjective and open to interpretation.

What is posdcorb?

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Asked by Wiki User

POSDCORB is an acronym for Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting, and Budgeting. It represents a management framework formulated by Luther Gulick and Lyndall Urwick, outlining the key functions of management and administration within organizations. Each component emphasizes essential tasks and responsibilities for effective leadership and organizational success.

What are the poor countries in the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some of the poorest countries in the world include countries in sub-Saharan Africa such as Burundi, South Sudan, and Niger, as well as countries in South Asia like Afghanistan and Nepal. These countries often face challenges such as political instability, high levels of poverty, limited access to education and healthcare, and issues related to food insecurity.

Is it better to be white or black?

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Asked by Wiki User

All individuals should be treated with equal respect and dignity, regardless of their race. Equality and fairness for all races are essential for a just and inclusive society. Skin color does not determine an individual's worth or value.

Describe an old person?

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Asked by Wiki User

An elderly person typically refers to someone who is advanced in age, often characterized by grey hair, wrinkled skin, and a slower pace of movement. They may also exhibit wisdom, experience, and a lifetime of stories to share.

How much is prince Albert worth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Prince Albert II of Monaco has an estimated net worth of around $1 billion. He inherited a significant portion of his wealth from his father, Prince Rainier III, and his mother, actress Grace Kelly. He also owns a substantial amount of land and real estate in Monaco.

Water poor countries?

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Asked by Wiki User

Water-poor countries are those that lack sufficient access to clean and safe drinking water for their population. This can lead to health issues, sanitation problems, and decreased overall quality of life. Addressing water scarcity in these countries requires investment in infrastructure, technology, and sustainable management practices.

What is the Difference between institute and institution?

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Asked by Wiki User

An institute typically refers to a specific organization or facility focused on education or research, while an institution is a broader term that can refer to any established and enduring organization or system within society, such as a government, company, or cultural practice. In general, an institution is a broader concept that can encompass multiple institutes.

Why is the meeting so important?

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Asked by Wiki User

The meeting is important because it allows for communication and collaboration among team members or stakeholders, helps in making decisions, setting goals, and ensuring everyone is on the same page. It provides an opportunity to share information, discuss issues, and work towards achieving objectives.

How doesnt money buy happines give anyone in this world a billion dollars I bet they wouldn't be sad no more?

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Asked by Wiki User

While money can provide comfort and ease certain stresses in life, it does not guarantee happiness. True happiness comes from within, through fulfilling relationships, personal growth, and a sense of purpose. Giving someone a billion dollars may temporarily increase their satisfaction, but it does not address deeper emotional needs that contribute to long-term happiness.

What is greater or superior than intelligence?

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Asked by Prashantp

Empathy, humility, and kindness are qualities that can be seen as greater or superior than intelligence in many situations. These attributes can foster strong relationships, support collaboration, and contribute to a more harmonious and balanced society.

How does manual handling effect sport?

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Asked by Wiki User

Manual handling in sport can increase the risk of injuries, such as strains and sprains, due to improper lifting techniques or overexertion. Athletes and coaches should be educated on proper lifting and carrying techniques to prevent injuries during training or competition. Failure to follow correct manual handling practices can lead to both short-term and long-term consequences on an athlete's performance and overall well-being.

What will be the minimum age limit for a senior citizen?

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Asked by Wiki User

The minimum age limit for a senior citizen can vary depending on the country and organization. In many places, a person is considered a senior citizen once they reach the age of 60 or 65.

Identify some of the ethical dilemmas faced by these organizations?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Tech companies: balancing user privacy with data collection for targeted advertising.
  2. Pharmaceutical companies: setting drug prices to balance profit with accessibility for patients.
  3. Financial institutions: managing conflicts of interest in investment decisions to prioritize client welfare.
  4. Food manufacturers: deciding whether to prioritize healthiness or taste in product development.

Words that end in dom?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some words that end in "dom" include kingdom, freedom, wisdom, and boredom.

What is a progressive Republican?

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Asked by Wiki User

A progressive Republican is a member of the Republican Party who advocates for social and political reform, often supporting policies that prioritize social welfare, environmental protection, and economic equality. They tend to be more moderate or liberal-leaning in their views, differentiating themselves from more conservative elements within the party.

Advantages and disadvantages of bribery?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages of bribery can include gaining quick access to resources, expediting processes, and sometimes avoiding bureaucratic red tape. However, the disadvantages are ethical concerns, perpetuating corruption, and creating an unfair advantage for those willing to pay bribes. Ultimately, bribery undermines trust and the rule of law in society.

Which countries are poor?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some of the poorest countries in the world based on GDP per capita include Burundi, Malawi, Niger, Mozambique, and Liberia. These countries often struggle with issues such as high poverty rates, inadequate access to healthcare and education, and limited economic opportunities.

What is the current status of the Philippines?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Philippines is a Southeast Asian country currently experiencing political, social, and economic challenges, including issues related to governance, poverty, and natural disasters. The government is working on addressing these challenges, but there are ongoing concerns about human rights violations and corruption. The country is also dealing with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To what extent do nonstate actors exert independent influence on international relations?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nonstate actors, such as multinational corporations, nongovernmental organizations, and terrorist groups, can exert significant independent influence on international relations by shaping agendas, mobilizing resources, and influencing decision-making. Their actions can complement or challenge state-centric interactions, contributing to the complexity and dynamism of the international system. However, the extent of their impact varies depending on factors like their resources, strategies, and relationships with state actors.

What is the green party about?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Green Party is a political party that focuses on environmental sustainability, social justice, nonviolence, and grassroots democracy. They advocate for policies that prioritize environmental protection and address climate change, as well as promote social equality and human rights.

What words end with suffix dom?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some words that end in the suffix 'dom' are:

  • boredom
  • chiefdom
  • condom
  • dukedom
  • earldom
  • fiefdom
  • freedom
  • kingdom
  • martyrdom
  • princedom
  • queendom
  • random
  • seldom
  • serfdom
  • sheikdom
  • stardom
  • wisdom

What are some words with the suffix -dom?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some words with the suffix -dom include kingdom, freedom, wisdom, and boredom.